Pixwox jho.8101Postagens



"The film is a struggle for expression" Seoul, korea . 🇰🇷 Movie Director... ソウル、韓国。 映画監督
いつものように楽しく情熱的に撮影する。... Exciting and passionate shooting as always.
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During shooting... 撮影中
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旅行...龍門寺... Travel... Yongmunsa Temple.
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Solo trip Day 3 Yeongrangho Sokcho... 一人旅3日目ヨンラン号束草
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私だけの旅...江陵、束草、チョン・ドンジン... A trip to me alone... Sokcho, Gangneung, Jeongdongjin, Gangwon-do.
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誕生日…二次…カフェ。 Birthday...2nd...cafe
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Grilled eel for a birthday dinner for the boys.... 誕生日...男性の夕食...ウナギの焼き
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Next project "Human Market"... 次のプロジェクト。 。 「人間市場」...
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Another project of mine... work at the beach... Naksan Beach, Gangwon-do, Korea...It's raining continuously for the 10th day of work. ...私の別のプロジェクト... ビーチでの作業... 駱山ビーチ、江原道、韓国
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draft beer alley... 生ビール路地
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The filming site...and me. 撮影シーン...そして私
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