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Marriage isn’t a mathematical equation where each partner contributes exactly 50%. Instead, it’s a dynamic partnership where both individuals bring unique strengths, weaknesses, and circumstances. At times, one may need to give more while the other receives, and vice versa, depending on the situation. It’s about mutual support, understanding, and compromise, rather than rigidly adhering to a numerical split. Flexibility and communication are key in navigating the ebbs and flows of married life, recognizing that balance often fluctuates over time. Comment your thoughts 💭 and tag a friend… #MarriageJourney #PartnershipDynamic #MutualSupport #communicationiskey
45 0
16 hours ago
Cabbage leaves have been a traditional remedy for breastfeeding discomfort and engorgement for generations. When applied to the breasts, the cool cabbage leaves can help alleviate swelling and tenderness, providing relief for mothers experiencing engorgement or overproduction of milk. The leaves are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe soreness and promote comfort during breastfeeding. Many women find this natural remedy helpful in managing breastfeeding challenges, although it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment method. Comment your thoughts 💭 and tag a friend… #BreastfeedingRelief #NaturalRemedies #CabbageLeaves #postpartum
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1 day ago
Psychologically, hearing your name being called with no one around is a sort of auditory memory that is activated and replayed in your brain. Auditory memory is one of your brain’s processes to take in information that you hear (sound, voice, audio), and store that information until the next time you recall it. People that can listen to a song, and figure out how to play it on a guitar without knowing the chords have an excellent auditory memory. Animals, such as parrots know how to say “hello!” and mimic different sounds and noises because of their strong auditory memory. Your auditory memory can replay the sound of someone’s voice saying hello, or calling your name in a way that’s so vivid you actually think for a moment that they’re there! This strong level of auditory memory is most commonly experienced this when you’re either falling asleep or right after wake up in the morning. This state between waking reality and the dream world is called the hypnogogic state, and it’s where your conscious and subconscious mind are meeting and interfacing. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who should see this!👀 #psychology #fact #facts #psychologystudent #brain #healthybrain #mind
399 3
5 days ago
Psychopathic traits are associated with lower levels of Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness from the HEXACO model, which capture antisocial traits. Yet, individuals with psychopathic traits-men in particular -appear to successfully acquire dating partners despite these traits. Participants were 165 heterosexual college men who completed the HEXACO and then watched a woman’s dating video. After the video, participants completed the HEXACO again with the instructions to be appealing to the woman in the video. Results showed that psychopathic traits were associated with greater increases in Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness, and fewer increases in Extraversion across the HEXACO profiles. The observed increases in Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness may represent men’s attempts at mimicking prosocial personality traits to appear more attractive as a potential partner. The findings suggest that psychopathic traits may affect men’s willingness to deceptively enhance prosocial personality traits, possibly as a means to appeal to prospective partners. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who should see this! 👀 ℹ️Source: The Chameleons of Dating: Psychopathic Traits Are Associated with Mimicking Prosocial Personality Traits in Dating Contexts. (2023). #psycho #psychopath #psychology #dating
225 2
6 days ago
Traumatic or stressful events in childhood may lead to tiny changes in key brain structures that can now be identified decades later. The study is the first to show that trauma or maltreatment during a child’s early years can trigger changes in specific sub-regions of the amygdala and the hippocampus. Once these Changes occur, researchers belleve the affected regions of the brain may not function as well, potentially increasing the risk of developing mental health disorders as adults during times of stress. “Now that we can actually identify which specific subregions of the amygdala or the hippocampus are altered by incidents of childhood abuse, trauma or mistreatment, we can start to focus on how to mitigate or even potentially reverse these changes,” said Peter Silverstone, one of a team of eight researchers who conducted the study. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who needs to see this 👀 ℹ️Source: Effects of childhood adversity on the volumes of the amygdala subnuclei and hippocampal subfields in individuals with major depressive disorder, Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. #psychology #mentalhealth #neuroscience #brain #trauma #traumatic #brainhealth
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7 days ago
When we pick our noses, we might inadvertently damage the delicate lining inside our nostrils.. This seemingly harmless act can create a gateway for harmful pathogens to enter our body. But how does this relate to Alzheimer’s? The olfactory system, responsible for our sense of smell, offers a direct path for these pathogens to reach the brain. Once there, they can trigger an immune response, leading to neuroinflammation, which is a key factor in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. This inflammation can contribute to the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaques and tau tangles, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s, disrupting brain function and leading to cognitive decline. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who should see this!👀 ℹ️Source: Zhou X, Kumar P, Bhuyan DJ, Jensen SO, Roberts TL, Münch GW. Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Potential Role of Nose-Picking in Pathogen Entry via the Olfactory System? Biomolecules. 2023 Oct 24;13(11):1568. #alzheimersawareness #psychology #mentalhealth #alzheimer #alzheimersawareness
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8 days ago
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10 days ago
Most people think strict parenting produces better-behaved kids... However, research studies on discipline consistently show that strict, or authoritarian, child-raising actually produces kids with lower self esteem who behave worse than other kids, and therefore get punished more. Strict parenting actually tends to create behavior problems in children. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who should see this! 👀 ℹ️Source: Cambodian-Mental-Health-Survey-2012-RUPP. Royal University of Phnom Penh Department of Psychology. #psychology #overthinking #mentalhealth #overthink #parenting #overthinker #overthink
533 4
11 days ago
Working out on a fasted stomach can offer several benefits. When you exercise in a fasted state, typically in the morning before eating, your body has depleted its glycogen stores from overnight fasting. As a result, it may turn to fat stores for energy, potentially aiding in fat loss. Additionally, exercising on an empty stomach can enhance insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for overall metabolic health. Some people also report feeling more mentally alert and focused during fasted workouts. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and ensure you’re not pushing yourself too hard without adequate fuel. Consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist can help determine if fasted workouts are suitable for your individual needs and goals. Comment your thoughts 💭 and tag a friend… #FastedWorkout #FitnessBenefits #MetabolicHealth #listentoyourbody
297 2
12 days ago
A study tracked participants over several years, revealing that individuals engaged in shift work, especially those with erratic schedules that disrupt the natural circadian rhythm, exhibit significant declines in cognitive performance over time. This isn’t just about feeling a bit foggy after a night shift. It’s about long-term changes in how our brains function, affecting memory, attention, and the ability to process information quickly and accurately. These findings highlight an urgent need for us to reconsider how work schedules are structured, aiming for patterns that align more closely with our natural biological rhythms. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who should see this ℹ️Source: Marquié JC, Tucker P, Folkard S, Gentil C, Ansiau D. Chronic effects of shift work on cognition: findings from the VISAT longitudinal study. Occup Environ Med. 2015 Apr; 72(4):258-64. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2013-101993. Epub 2014 Nov 3. PMID: 25367246. #brain #psychology #mentalhealth #brainhealth
181 2
13 days ago
Bedtime procrastination: needlessly and voluntarily delaying going to bed, despite foreseeably being worse off as a result.. New research sheds light on the psychological mechanisms that help explain why being more oriented towards the future is associated with reduced bedtime procrastination. The findings, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, indicate that a person’s perspective of time is related to their ability to control their impulses and maintain their focus on long-term interests. The study was based on Temporal Self-regulation Theory, which suggests that people are more likely to engage in goal-oriented behavior when they have a strong future time perspective. This means that they believe that their future selves will be better off as a result of their present actions. The researchers found that more future-oriented students tended to exhibit higher levels of self-control and lower levels of impulsivity, which in turn was associated with reduced bedtime procrastination. Comment your thoughts.. 💭 & and tag someone who should see this! ℹ️Source: Future Time Perspective and Bedtime Procrastination: The Mediating Role of Dual-Mode Self-Control and Problematic Smartphone Use (2022). #psychology #bedtime #psychologyfacts #fact #facts #psychologytoday #psychologystudent #latenight #procrastination
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14 days ago
Studies have shown that dogs react to inequality much like we do. When they sense that they’re being treated unfairly, they take a stand. It’s a testament to their emotional intelligence and innate sense of justice. Just like us, dogs value cooperation and harmony. They understand the importance of fairness and reciprocity. When they perceive a lack of fairness in how they’re treated, they’re not afraid to show their disapproval. Have you noticed your dog’s reactions to fairness or inequality? Share your stories and experiences below! Comment your thoughts.. 💭 and tag someone who should see this! ℹ️Source: McAuliffe K. A comparative test of inequity aversion in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and dingoes (Canis dingo). PLoS One. 2021 Sep 22;16(9):0255885. #dogstagram #fairness #dogs #dog #psychology
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15 days ago