Amy Elizabeth Frith • Visionary Bossbabe


@forbes & @ted Featured Artist , Award Winning Speaker , #1 Intl Bestselling Author , Coach , Canadian General Director @elitegloballeadershipclub .
Amy.CEO 💜 💛 #knowledgeofself #givingmyall #amyelizabethfrith #rhymes #vision #vocals #fresh #independentartist #iamaglobalbrand #femalevocalist #feminism #femalerapper #canadianartist #canadiangirl #canadianravers #canadianrapper #wanderer #freespirit #highlevel #contemporaryartist #contemporarypainter #edmdancer #djculture #electronicmusicproductionstudent #edmvocalist #bassmusicconnoisseurs #poetrycommunity #poem #futuristicillionaire #amyelizabethfrithmusic
487 71
8 years ago
true colours . cyndi lauper . cover . instrumental background from YouTube . 💜🌊💕🐬💕🌊💜 . 💜🌊💕🐬💕🌊💖 . 💛🌊💕🐬💕🌊💜 . #amyelizabethfrith #iamaglobalbrand #businesswoman #artistsoninstagram #contemporaryartist #singingmood #multidisciplinaryartist #singingsongs #femalevocalist #femalesinger #freedomlifestyle #spontaneity #experimenting #cyndilaupercover #singingcovers #likearainbow #girlboss #truecolors #amyelizabethfrithmusic
191 8
7 years ago
Please be free with me . 💕🌸☁️🦄 . I'm singing improv over I'm God by Clams Casino @instaclam . 💕🌸👛🌷 . 🦋 . 🌹 . 💜 . 💖 . 🙏🏻 . 🌈 . 👑 . #amyelizabethfrith #futuristicillionaire #contemporaryartist #singerrapperpainterillustrator #soundcloudartist #amyelizabethfrithmusic #multidisciplinaryartist #music #me #limitlesslifestyle #freedomreigns #stayloyaltoyourcreativity #lawofattraction #anythingcanhappen #positivethinking #poet #positiveenergy #healingenergy #raisingthevibration #givingmyall #heart #invincible #goodvibesonly #visionary #plantbased #highvibelife #buildinganempire #somanyvisions #createexploretakeover #ambition
188 16
7 years ago
I love this song by @dg_bladee . I used to play it on my headphones when I was living in downtown Vancouver where I miraculously landed manifesting living in one of the most gorgeous sub penthouses in one of the tallest buildings downtown right beside the ocean . I felt like I was in a dream every day . When I am selling my multimillion dollar paintings 🖼️ consistently , I will own multiple penthouses around the world which will actually help me to elevate the frequency , consciousness levels and empowerment of humanity with an emphasis on the empowerment of females because this is what time it finally is . My new artist manager and I are planning to create sustainable villages worldwide to guide humanity home to heaven on earth ! It’s very exciting . Can you see what I see ? Angels are certainly playing with this candle flame and I love it:) 🧚 ✨ Back in 2000 when I was living in this huge epic straw bale cabin in the high frequency Morning Star 💫 Intentional Ecovillage , where I actually rented the Global Living Project classroom for the fall/winter/spring , I remember visiting a neighbour one night . This magical mystical singer songwriter painter dancer fairy queen goddess named Eve Marie from Quebec invited me over to her circular straw bale cabin for a full moon sleepover in her magical loft which had this big window where we could stare at the moon for hours together in the forest above the cozy woodstove ( my larger rectangular straw bale cabin up the mountain also had a lovely woodstove , and I also grew up in my grandparents dream house in the woods of Ontario which had a woodstove and two fireplaces thank God ) ….. I felt like the luckiest forest fairy on the planet that night ….. maybe even in the universe . Elle Marie and I sang this super chill jam session and then before we fell asleep in her magical place , that she was actually house sitting between adventures , she said to me , “ thank you Amy for bringing the largest team of angels with you that if ever seen ! “ … and she made me realize that I do have a massive amount of angels who are very special to me in this life and beyond . Eve Marie was living on David ( cont in comments )
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4 days ago
Google : AMY ELIZABETH FRITH ARTSY . The time to heal the world is NOW . The PURPOSE of our lives is to rise , shine , sparkle and CELEBRATE THE MIRACLE OF WHO WE WERE BORN TO BE . We were born to master being wise . Love is wise . Peace is wise . Gratitude is wise . Discipline is wise . Appreciation is wise . Soulfulness is wise . Creativity is wise . Courageous action is wise . Developing world class skills is wise . Building a personal brand is wise . Honouring HIGHER SELF ALIGNMENT is the key to the collective manifestation of WORLD PEACE IN THIS LIFETIME . THIS HIGHEST FREQUENCY EMBODIMENT IS MY DEVOTION AND DEDICATION . My vision is greater than me . Love , endlessly , Amy xoxo 💋 . . . . #amyelizabethfrith #iamaglobalbrand #goingglobal #internationalbestsellingauthor #awardwinningspeaker #internationalartist #professionalpainter #singersongwriter #rapper #poet #adventurer #creator #childofgod #goddessenergy #thehighestfrequency #vibing #grateful #blessingsonblessings #thankyou #toronto #vancouver #torontoartist #vancouverartist #globalartist #bossbabe #visionary #visionarybossbabe
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5 days ago
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6 days ago
Thank you Mother Nature and God for this life where I have been spiritually enlightened since birth .
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16 days ago
I love these colours and I love this planet . I love this galaxy as well .
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16 days ago
I love winter in Canada . It’s peaceful . It’s magical . It’s a blessing .
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17 days ago
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18 days ago
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28 days ago
This is my idea of heaven on earth . I have been reading this book slowly for a while now . My parents gave it to me many years ago and I’ve often approached using it similarly to an oracle deck , where I’ve intuitively flipped to random pages for short legendary reads , which has been a wonderful experience . Now , I am reading it from front to back . I love it so deeply , I often find myself reading the same page three or four times because the insight deepens and deepens . This is a truly precious book and I highly recommend it !
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30 days ago