2 years ago
We played two games of #Gutenberg this weekend! 📖 A two-player game against my wife and last night a three player game with @thevegetarianmeeple 🌱 What can I say? The hype is real! 🥰 This is a great medium-weight euro game with a fantastic theme, interesting mechanisms and nice components! 👍 The gameplay is very structured as you go through the five actions in order. At the start of the round players secretly plan which actions they want to focus on this round. A very simple blind bidding mechanism is used where players allocate a number of cubes to actions behind a screen simultaneously. The one with the most cubes „bid“ for an action will have first pick for that action. It’s simple, but creates an intense moment before the round actually starts! ⚙️ You own victory points for a few different things in the end, but most points are awarded during the game when fulfilling orders. The game has engine building, set collection, bonus actions and more awesome things you’ll love if you enjoy euro games! 😊 I can fully recommend this game! It is a perfect 2,5/5 in weight which offers enough depth for heavy gamers but you’ll be able to teach it to not-so-experienced-boardgamers as well. Just dropped a 9/10 on BGG for now! 🤩 I read, that @grannagry is working on some minor tweaks for the second printing – especially for a more colorblind-friendly set of ink tokens. And the game isn’t easy to acquire at the moment – so just try to preorder it where you usually buy your games or order it directly from Granna at 😊 I’m curious which German publisher will pick this one up – it’s completely language independent (apart from the player aids), so there’s no excuse! 😉 #gutenbergboardgame #grannagry #grannagames #katarzynacioch #wojciechwiśniewski
Where can I buy this awesomeness
2 years ago
I’m sooooo dying to try out this game! It’s definitely on my holiday wishlist. 🙈 [-Anton]
2 years ago
Look 👀 very interesting 😍
2 years ago
Wow! Very nice :)
1 year ago