2 years ago
Who are you? [(1) Suspiria, 2018 (2) Gone Girl, 2014 (3) The Witch, 2015 (4) Black Swan, 2010 (5) Hereditary, 2018 (6) Jennifer’s Body, 2009 (7) Ginger Snaps, 2000]
Jesus came to save us from hell and from sin (Luke 5:32). We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). sin leads to hell but Jesus leads to Heaven because Jesus is the only way to Heaven (John 14:6, Romans 6:23), He's the only one true God, He's the only way we can be Saved. the bible (which is infallible and uncorruptible and never lies) says that Jesus came to save us, Jesus came and went to the cross to pay our sin debt full, He died and paid our sin debt in full, Jesus rose Himself on the third day, He conquered hell, sin, death, the world and He stumped on the devil's head. He broke the walls that kept us from coming to Him and having a relationship with Him. He did all that for us because He loves us and wants to save us and He wants to have a relationship with us (John 3:16, John 14:6, John 19:30, Romans 5). come to Jesus, believe and repent of your sins and God will forgive you and cleanse you and make you born again by His Holy Spirit (John 3:3-18). Heaven is eternal but know hell is eternal as well. don't die in your sins, don't die without Christ because if you die without Christ and die in your sins then hell awaits you and you'll never get out of it, only Jesus can save you from hell's grasp. believe and repent and God will save you!
2 years ago
@rememberthings Iam the god 🔥🙌🔥❤️. Who’s you 👀
2 years ago
Love Ginger Snaps as a child
2 years ago
I need these as a series of “good for her”’shirts pls
2 years ago
im the swan queen
2 years ago
I’m vengeance
2 years ago
Lol 😂 Lol
2 years ago
I am weed
2 years ago